A Global Best-Practices Study For Destination Management Organizations

An international study to define global best practices in building successful, resilient, and enduring partnerships with local residents, community groups and businesses.


Time for DMOcracy is the title of the largest-ever tourism research and education program to examine and report on community participation & engagement. An international study to define global best practices in building successful, resilient, and enduring partnerships with local residents, community groups, and businesses.

Futhermore, watch the recording of the release of the public report on community engagement best practices including a panel of North American & European DMO leaders.

Current Participants

European Edition

Taking part in this edition of Time for DMOcracy we have a wide range of DMOs and CVBs from across Europe and the United Kingdom.

Learning Labs & Bootcamps

Over the next 12 months, the partners and the so far 22 participating destinations will deploy a wide range of research, case studies, master classes, learnings labs, boot camping and conferencing before delivering a white paper on public engagement in tourism in the early fall of 2022.

Resource Library

PDFs, Resources, Whitepapers and More.

We’ve collected a range of materials relating to the focus areas of the DMOcracy project including community consultation, tourism funding and sustainability.